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Judy Cunio - Online Memorial Website

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Judy Cunio
Born in United States
59 years
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Marilee Bell
My dear friend - thank you for the years of loving, learning, laughing and sharing.You profoundly touched my life. I will miss you
Shiela Zerngast
Judy-You were truly an inspiration! Thank you for all you did for those that couldn't. You will be deeply missed.
Mary Fryer
Judy: she had the heart of a lion; the soul of an angel. Her memory is in my heart.
Tina Kitchin
Judy, You were incredible and moved us beyond belief. Your spirit and wisdom lives beyond you. You are missed!
Maureen Mosley
I was inspired by your joy and enthusiasm having met u @ a conference some years back you left a foot print on my heart Maureen M
karen gaffney
Thank you for the many doors you have opened for people like me. You will always be a Champion.
Bill Olson
Judy was a beautiful person whose courage and active advocacy on behelf of others is an inspiration to us all. I will miss her.
Beverly Herrin
You taught me how to listen with honesty. I will miss our fantasy motorcycle gang. We still had many miles to travel.
Sarah Jane Owens
Dear Judy, like a candle you "lite up" the world and all thoee around you with your smile, humor, advocacy and leadership!
Caryl Knudsen
Judy, the leadership you gave us all will remain as we remember how you always make sure we are focused on the VISION.
Jasper Smith
Judy you will be greatly missed. Your caring and insight extended to all people. I smiled with relief when I saw you at a meeting
Jean Edwards
Peaceful Revolutionary,making persons with disabilities aware of their rights, the public aware of their needs and fighting fears
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