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Judy Cunio - Online Memorial Website

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Judy Cunio
Born in United States
59 years
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This memorial website was created to honor Judy Cunio who was born on January 23, 1952 and passed away on June 17, 2011

One of Oregon’s most inspiring and dedicated self advocates, Judy Cunio, has died from a head injury resulting from a fall in her home. Judy touched many lives and she will be deeply missed. 

Friends, family and colleagues are encouraged to fill this memorial site with information about Judy's life, personal tributes, condolences, photos and videos.

Condolences may also be sent directly to The Cunio Family
c/o Kim Cunio at 1196 Raffon Court SE, Salem OR 97317

A celebration of Judy's life was held on June 30 at 3:00 pm at Salem Alliance Church. 

For Judy, betrayed at last by balance

You showed up and never shut up:
A face and voice for the many who
...Lacked your strong stomach for suffering
Through our endless meetings, slowing
Our chatter with your famous lead-in
“But What About….”.

What about those locked-up, left-behind
Under-represented, unheard, unseen
Friends of yours (whether you’d met them or not)?
You waved their flag and asked their questions
On councils, commissions, committees, from coast-to-coast

But never lost your cool, your smile a familiar sight
Despite the effort, which you would not let us see,
To keep it there, to remind us we could share
Your strength and courage because
You had enough for all of us.

-Tim Kral 06/17/11

Quick Gallery
Judy Cunio 2010 Judy Cunio 2007 Award Presentation Judy, Cheryl & Beth 2011 DD Rally April 2007 Council Staff 2010 Cleaning Day 09 November 07 DD Council 2010 Judy & Bill 2010 Judy & Cynthia going to DC
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