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Judy Cunio - Online Memorial Website

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Judy Cunio
Born in United States
59 years
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Joseph Lowe and Roxy Chair-OHCC and HCW June 21, 2011

To the Cunio Family and Carol - We are sorry for your loss and pray for God to comfort you in this time.

Judy - You will be deeply missed. We only knew you for a little more than a year but it seems like a lifetime. Your smile, laugh, quick witted humor, and personality made it such a pleasure to have gotten the honor to know you and work with you on OHCC. Those qualities are gifts from God and will leave a void in the lives of everyone that knew you. You are a great advocate...but even were a great friend.
One day we'll have the blessing of seeing you again and get to enjoy your smile and laughter...until then, may God bless you even more abundantly in Heaven than He did on Earth.
Much love and God bless,
Joseph and Roxy

Chuck Davis Community Liaison, CPC, UCEDD, OHSU June 21, 2011

At times like this it is almost impossible to put into words our sense of loss, shock and overwhelming sadness.  Judy was a self-advocacy pioneer, a mentor who led by example and a wonderful friend to all of us. She taught us that a fabulous sense of humor is one of the best tools in any good self-advocate's arsenal.  I think I'll miss those salty, yet endearing comebacks of hers most of all.   We are so lucky that Judy agreed to bring all of her many gifts to the Community Partners Council!  Maybe the best tribute we can give her is to continue her mission of tireless self-advocacy and the marvelous sense that she could change the world for her brothers and sisters with disabilities everyday of her life.

Brandy Sister June 20, 2011
Judith Annovitch

Our family will not be the same with you gone. We will all miss you so much... so soon after mom left you did to. I could only hope to be half the woman that you are. I love you Judy and I will always think about you.

To everyone that knew Judy I know that she was an inspiration and a leader, that she was!! However to me she was also a loving sister.
Sharyn Kaplan You Will Never Be Forgotten June 20, 2011
How do I honor an angel, a hero and a legend?  How can I thank someone who touched my soul and profoundly altered the path of my life?  By promissing to support the self advocacy struggle which you brought to the forefront of history. 

Now we have to share you with those in heaven who will be graced by your gental and beautiful soul.  You will never be forgotten!
Alice Massey Your memory remains... June 20, 2011
Judy -  I only had the pleasure and privilege of meeting you once in a task force meeting, but the memory has stayed with me.  Thank you for your courage, advocacy, grace, and good humor.  Until we meet again... 
Marilee Bell You will live on June 20, 2011
Judy...yesterday the kids and I had a chance to laugh about your adventurous spirit! Remember how you rallied the teenage girls at an inservice  in ride the scooters up and down the ramp into LaSelle auditorium? You never seemed afraid to take  calculated risks and to invite others to join you.  Your encouragement, spirit and wisdom changed my life and clearly the lives of so many. I will cherish our heartfelt conversations about life, friendship, and how the world "works."  Thank you my friend for leaving such a legacy.  Until we meet again...... 
Nancy Ulrich Never to be forgotten! June 20, 2011
I feel fortunate to have gotten to know Judy and spend some precious time with her at People's First several years ago.  She is a woman who will be remembered for her advocacy.  My thoughts go out to her family int his difficult time!
Angela JH laughter June 20, 2011
There is so much sadness in the world and your life could have added to that toll. Instead you took the lessons of the pain and turned them into stories and acts of strength and resistance . Also you allways made me laugh you were so irreverent and real Judy. Your encouragment of my more wild side and the advice to not give too much of dam and to take risks for myself and my son will stay with me.

You hoped that Daniel would give me some sleepless nights when he was a teenager and reminded me that ultimately it is his struggle and I can only  come alongisde his work.
Peace XXX Angela
Jennifer Carpenter-Brenna Service Coordinator June 20, 2011

I will miss your voice and will forever hear your questions calliing us up and out and into what connects us through our hearts, the greater purpose for all those who's voices dont' get heard.  Thank you for the loving gift of the way you chose to remind us of that connection each day. One person can do so much for many and you did that Judy, heart and soul!

Margaret Theisen Mentored by Judy June 20, 2011

Judy, you provided me the brilliant reminder each time I saw you of the courage it takes to think of others first and self, second.  Thank you for offering a gold standard that will outlast your too-brief of time on earth.  Godspeed!

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