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Judy Cunio - Online Memorial Website

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Judy Cunio
Born in United States
59 years
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Kris Kennedy

I looked forward to your handwritten Christmas cards every year I served on the Council and the picture you enclosed one year of you in front of Eleanor Roosevelt's memorial held a place of honor on my refrigerator for the next 5 years. It came down when I moved this February. It was placed above a picture of me in the same pose in front of the same memorial. You were the most thoughtful person.

You also cracked me up! We both laughed hard when we ran into each other at the movie theatre with our "blind" dates. Why would anyone pick "Broke Back Mountain" as their first date movie, we both wanted to know?? We were so embarrased and relieved to see each other so we could let go with a good laugh after a tense movie experience :-)

I will never forget your straw hat either. The one with a wide brim, little flowers and a ribbon. You were adorable.

I will miss you!

Vicki Bolton
I miss you already. If we didn't see each other for a long time, it didn't matter. When we saw each other, it was like we had just seen each other yesterday. What will the world do without you? It will be a lot quieter I can tell you that. You have my love and you will surely be missed.
Laura Salchenberg
I met Judy shortly after she left Fairview Hospital and Training Center. I think someone figured out that she needed a larger audience to train. And train she did, what a force she was... a mighty little one. Oh, how I loved her. She became my friend, sister in Christ, advisor and so much more. She held my children when they were young; they grew up with Judy in their lives. A couple of times when I  asked her to join us for an occasion. Judy said" I thought this was a family thing", and I told her "My kids are confussed, the think you are family". Judy was an inspiration to all of us. For her CP stood for CAN PREVAIL! An if that won't work, GET OUT OF THE BOX thinker. When my mother was ill in the late 80"s and early 90's, she drew strenght from Judy's ability to carry on no matter what challenge she faced.
I'll see you
on the other side Sis,
Love Laura

Robin Wiggin
Chortling together in long meetings, catching her eye in a blur as she zoomed around the OSU campus during those statewide conferences, and, best of all, dancing wildly and joyously with her (on her scooter) to marimba music.  It was clear there was great depth in her, serious thoughtful depth, but also a deep capacity for joy and fun. What a package.  What a loss. 
Keep dancing, Judy, and we will aspire. 
Tom Racioppo
I first met Judy in the early days of Self-Directed Supports. One time as we were waiting together and chatting between sessions at a conference she said " I like you" when I asked why, she replied "You listen". It was one of the nicest prpfessional compliments I have ever gotten but it was also a challenge that I try to rise to every day.  Good Bye, Judy, I like you, too.
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