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Judy Cunio - Online Memorial Website

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Judy Cunio
Born in United States
59 years
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DD Council

My dear friend Judy -

You welcomed me into the DD Council office and made me feel part of that family from the first day I began my work there in the beginning months of 2010. You quickly became more than the admired colleague I hoped to earn the respect of, you became a true friend. Your kindness, laughter and love are gifts that I will forever treasure.

I remember last year when you told me you had been accidently hit by a car just days earlier and that you didn't want to seek medical attention because of your concern for the driver's feelings. And when I repeatedly urged you to go to the doctor, you thanked me for my maternal tendencies then turned the conversation to my family.  At some point each day you would ask how certain family members were doing, and I hope you know how much your compassion and insight helped me whenever challenges we faced together became more challenging. I am so blessed by your friendship Judy! 

My heart breaks when I think about going into the office, realizing that you will not be there anymore. We will keep your spirit alive Judy, we will continue to help each other through our sorrow, celebrate the impact you made on us all and make you proud as we continue on with our work of supporting the empowerment of individuals and families whose lives are touched by developmental disabilities... your life's work. And what an extraordinarily accomplished life you had.

You did get your way Judy. It was just a few weeks ago that you, Beth and I were sitting in the office on a particularly rainy day during what has been a particularly rainy year here in Oregon. We were talking about your upcoming trip to Southern California for the Self-Advocacy Summit and I was saying how I missed my Southern California sun these past few years. After some shared teasing, I said that I didn't think you should have any sunshine during your trip there since the forecast here in Oregon showed nothing but rain, rain, rain. Well, it did rain... in Southern California the whole time you were there!  When you returned to the office, you made it clear you were not happy with us for hoping it would rain. I told you I was happy that we got our way, and you replied that in the end you would get your way. Well, the weather in Oregon has continued to be particularly rainy.  Then on the day you died, as Beth and I walked out from the Council meeting to the car so we could get to the hospital to say goodbye to you, we agreed that you really did get your way after all... the day was absolutely glorious, beautiful and sunny. Your radiance and love will continue to warm our hearts and lift our spirits during what will be particularly cloudy days ahead. Even in death, you will continue to shine my friend.  

Jeni De Jesus
 My favorite memory of Judy is driving from Salem to Portland in "Pepe the Purple People Eater", aka my old purple Ford Festiva hatch back, to attend a mutual friend's wedding shower.  We cranked kwjj and both sang country off key there and back.  It was good times.  She even kept the razzing of me to minimum when I took the wrong exit. :)

Judy will be missed!
Joyce Stratton

What a loss this is….I want to take this opportunity to add a note of accomplishment to this wonderful lady’s biography:

In 1972, I was a Psychology graduate from U or O. I had skills for really nothing and direction/goals to match. I had been a fairly shortsighted college brat/flower child at the time. I took the first job open after getting my BS which was a CNA position at the “late” Fairview Training Center. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. They shifted me around a lot but one job they gave me was an activities aide. I went to one cottage and they said well there are a few girls here that we need someone to work with but they can be difficult. One identified by the cottage administrator as difficult was Judy Cunio but it turns out she was difficult because she spoke up about her and other residents needs. Judy and I got along great. It was her and others like her that I met in that year at Fairview that influenced me to go get my Masters in Special Education in a new program of teaching “multihandicapped/severely handicapped”. Those were the words used in those days. These were kids that weren’t allowed in schools and if there were education programs they were set out in separate places far, far away from any school. This was 2 years before 94-142 which became IDEA. My purpose became creating ways for kids to stay at home and in the community which then kept them from Fairview.

 It worked. I taught Special Education for 30 years. I also got to meet up with Judy Cunio after I retired and thank her giving purpose to my life. She humbly accepted the compliment. She said she did remember me from back then but I think she was actually just humoring me. Judy was like that; kind to all.  She was also one of the greatest spokespersons of our time. She will be missed but her work will live on in the people she touched.

 One final note: I had the amazing experience of helping to transition one of the last institutionalized persons in Oregon in the last two years. I saw this woman move to a community home and I was given the experience of helping with the support plan for her daily well being. How good is that? To have that vision in 1972 because of people such as Judy Cunio and John Calhoun and then to see in my lifetime the closure and relocation of all those 1000s from Fairview.

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