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Judy Cunio - Online Memorial Website

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Judy Cunio
Born in United States
59 years
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george Fitzgerald youre not forgotten March 14, 2012
dear Judy though i never got that chance to know you i still feel your lost such a person as yourself.who truely over came diversity to enrich those people who have met have inspired me to look outside myself and to want to enhance the lives of people with disabilities.i'll remember your spirit,heart,tenacity,and you
Roxie Mayfield Rest well, My Friend June 25, 2011

We have seen each other at conferences, meetings and community events for years and you will always quick to say hello to me as soon as you saw me coming your way. I'm sorry that I didn't take the time to get to know you better as a friend, and not just as a fellow advocate, continually striving for equality, full inclusion and acceptance in this less than perfect world. It makes me feel good to know that you are now in a place where you will know all of these things forever. Rest well, my friend. After giving so much to so many, you deserve it. We will all miss you.
Sharon Lewis June 25, 2011
Dearest Judy,

During our last conversation, you told me how proud you were of me. And I told you that I had learned from the best -- that would be YOU. So much that I know came from the lessons you had to live, but I only had to learn...

Thank you for the many gifts  -- you showed me how important it is to stay true to the values, as you always did. Thank you for the laughter, for your ever-changing hair (the purple was great!), for challenging my thinking, and for your wisdom. You paid it forward for Zoe and so many others, and I am only sorry that we will not grow older together. I love you and I will miss you... Oregon will not be the same without you. 
May Nelson Colleague June 24, 2011
Dear Judy, You have made a positive change in this world and that change will forever be recognized!  Your powerful messages hit home and made us all want to be better people!  Thank you for bringing meaning into my will be remembered always!  Peace to you and your familiy.   
DD Council Carry the Torch June 24, 2011
Judy did start the best self advocate group in the nation. Hi my name is Andreas Economopoulos. I am deeply saddened for her passing. I remembered those golden years of Judy. I was in Santa Rosa CA. When I saw the film, and learned of the history Of People First I wish that film could be transferred to DVD. I would own it. I know that there are many People who will carry the torch, I am one of them. I and Larry F Rice who too past away long ago started the first CA group before rosy re breathed life into it. I was the keynote speaker this year I reminded them of their history, and told them its time to carry the ball, with are with out a budget. With, or with out helpers. Now back to Judy. She will be missed. We can carry the torch. I wish I could be there to concert you all I am a lay mintier, and self advocate for those with disability's were I live. Robin King knows me real well. Gods blessings are with her. Continue to carry the torch. Andreas Economopoulos People First Vice President of Yreka CA, and a part of area 2 People First Redding. yes, and on the Fare Regen Center Board.
Joyce Edmonds Provider June 23, 2011
Dear Judy, and a dear you were all these years and will be forever. I never had the chance to know you but did see you as you directed your message towards each individual who came to listen and learn from you. You were a strong yet fasinating personality that demanded attention. Your actions were kind and always helpful, your work will continue and perhaps will be guided by your presence even though unseen. Thank you Judy for all your hard work, you meant so much to so many people, will never be forgotten. 
Loreen Durham You are missed June 22, 2011
I am saddened to learn of the loss of Judy.  I had the opprotunity to work with her through the Community Partners Council and Judy's humor and ability to turn a joke on someone (out of fun of course) always made us laugh.  I will miss the conversations I had with her and hearing her laugh.  
Janet Brattin RIP June 22, 2011
Judy, it was such a pleasure to know you and to work with you.  I will never forget you and your wonderful smile!
DD Council Gift June 22, 2011

My sincerest condolences on Judy's passing. She was a gift to our community.

Molly Holsapple A LifetimA lifetime of Laughs and Challenges June 21, 2011


You so  enriched my personal and professional life for the last over 4o years. We have grown up together while never admittng to being over 20 years old.   In our first days at Fairview your questioning "why can't I/we  go to camp or  participate in the Special Olympics? brought out our mutual laughter and creativity.  Your sharing of "The Bumpy Road to My Career" at last falls Employment First Forum made a room of 50 laugh while providing a new challenge for professionals and a ray of hope for other self-advocates.  Thank you my friend--I will miss your laugher and your challenges.

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