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Judy Cunio - Online Memorial Website

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Judy Cunio
Born in United States
59 years
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Bonnie Barnaby
Judy was my friend. She worked with my mom and I got to know her at a local church that I attend with my mom. She was nice to me and when I was sad she bourght me up and made me feel better if I was feeling down. She always said hi with a warm smile and a hug when I was around her. It was just like yesterday when I last saw her and was talking to her. I am going to miss her and I am going to miss talking to her a lot. I love you Judy and I will never forget you and the person you were. =-)

Eddie Plourde
Judy was a friend of mine and we were friends. I could understand her and I hung out with her. We went to Pinacle Theater plays to get away together and do something fun in the community. It was fun being a friend of Judy's. It was an eye-opener when I went to Partners in Policymaking when I got to hear Judy talk about the institution and what happened. I would like to say that she is a knowledgable lady and she would like her legacy to go on about being involved in your community and living independently.
Raleen Hockenberry

Judy, I just learned of your leap into Glory ... Celebrate dear Sister! Your presence here will be felt for longer than you can imagine ... as your spirit will be there in each of our lives and in the many projects you so loved ...

*** I met Judy in 1974 shortly after she moved into ‘independent living’ and after several years of being a resident of Fairview in Salem.  I have many stories stored in my heart, but upon meeting her remember her telling me how easy it would’ve been to just sit in an immobile chair and rock back and forth and back and forth in a self-defined world – but that she fought to maintain her dignity and to learn all she could. Though her speech and mobility were challenging, her brain was full of inquisitiveness and a desire to make a difference. She lived her life in fullness "in the company of Cerebral Palsy." As many of the readers know, though struggling with walking and mobility issues, she had many years of being the proud owner of a special bike, and was non-wheelchair ambulatory for much of her life before finding that two big wheels, two small wheels, a comfy seat, and an electric motor were a special partner to her lifestyle. In her young adult years, as one of the first members of "People First," she began her fight for the rights of individuals society tended to look past and walk around …  On June 17th, as "physical life support" was removed, she took the hand of her new dancing partner and began her eternity in complete total wholeness. No more physical restrictions, limitations, struggles ... I’m so thankful for the opportunity I had in having Judy in my life … and keep in prayer her many co-workers, friends, remaining family, and all of the folks whose lives she touched during her extraordinary time of physical presence here on earth.

Dance, Judy, Dance! You well deserve the celebration that has greeted you in the presence of our loving Abba and Jesus Christ.


Oh Judy, we had so much fun at your conventions when I was in my early 20's. Traveling with you was such an experience and all the people that you touched was amazing. Being your sister is an honor! Your are an inspiration to us all. you will be loved and missed everyday!

Dennis Heath
First of all Judy and I were very close friends.  I first met her when she, Rosella, and Linda all lived on Benson.  When People First started, Judy was part of this dynamic group.  She also served as one of the first five presidents of the organization.  Judy used to tell me that if you dont understand me, ask me to say it again, and again, and again.  Judy was deep, was thoughtful, was a thinker, and she was a strong advocate for those persons that came from situations like Fairview.  Judy and I went to many meetings, and conferences together.  She had such a good outlook on life, and the future.  Judy used her skills and talents for others.  A week before she lost her balance and fell, Judy and I sat in her house and processed about the death of her mom.  At the end of our meeting, we hugged and thanked each other for our mutual relationship.  We appreciated the reality of our friendship.  I will miss Judy, and the state of Oregon will miss her.  She left a giant footstep in this life.  See you later dear friend.  Dennis
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